
In the Name of the Father-Mother, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, One God Egziabher, Amen!
What is True Self?
    In Our Living Ethiopianhood of the Holy Covenant, We Ethiopians identified as sinners that have repented and continue to repent incessantly for all of Our sins.  Moreover, it is the through the Divine Body and Precious Blood of Our Lord, Eyesus Kristos, King of kings, the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah; born of and Incarnated from Our Holy Mother, Dgel Virgin Mariam, Queen of queens, Ethiopia stretching Her hands unto God, We are able to fully realize True Self in the Image of God Egziabher.  Reconciling in Communion with Our Heavenly FatherMother and partaking of the Grace of the Holy Spirit is the most intimate restoration to former Glory, the Glory of God Egziabher.     

We Ethiopian Children of the Kingdom of God Egziabher, maintain that in the beginning of this material Kingdom of God Egziabher, the Lord created all of Our material and spiritual needs for the body as well as for the Soul.  By the Word was the heavens established, and by the Holy Spirit all the host of them.    All of the things that are created and materialized are for the Glory of the Almighty God Egziabher.  In Their Love for the Children, Our Lord said, “Let Us create Man in Our Image and of Our Likeness.  They Created Man good!  God Egziabher created Man.  In the Image of God Egziabher He made him; male and female He made them.  In the Covenant of Matrimony or Oneness of the male and the female, the Living Ethiopianhood is founded.   

Since We believe that all things are created and materialized for the Glory of the Living God Egziabher, We abide in the Divine Truth that Man, male and female, became fruitful through the Divine Sanctification bestowed upon the familial continuance.   

Ordained with the rational Soul, man, male and female are able to subdue the earth and replenish it.  The Holy rational Soul knows right from wrong and is able to choose.  On his own accord, the man was deceived by the Devil, the Father of Lie and Death.  As a result, man impoverished himself and through guilt bore the burden of sin.  Sin is able to veil the eyes from True Self and lead to destruction.  Therefore, The Lord gave Their Word as Food and Drink for remission of the sin.   

We Children of the Living Ethiopianhood believe that for 7512 years, the faithful prayerfully awaited the fulfillment of the restoration of the True Self of man.  At that appointed time, a Faithful Ethiopian Daughter, ordained to be a Sister and a Mother, Dgel Virgin Mariam, Queen of the Heavens and Earth, perfect in every way, proved to be the Savior and bearer of OUR PEACE, the Divine Word, with whom God the Father and Mother is UNITED by the preceding Divine Work of the Holy Spirit in Her Womb.  In The Divine Incarnation, the Word, Eyesus Kristos, King of the Heavens and Earth, OUR PEACE, took Flesh and Blood from Her; Our Holy Mother, as nourishment, Food and Drink, for the Soul, and assurance for salvation and eternal life.  This is the Food and Drink that is able to remit sin and unveil the eyes from True Self in the Image of God Egziabher and lead to life everlasting.   

We believe that man, the faithful male and female, are now rooted and flourishes in the Precepts of TEWAHDO (Unity in Trinity).  They Created Man good!   

We Ethiopian of the Holy Covenant believe that it has been 2012 years since the Salvation, Redemption, and amends.  Glory to God Egziabher!   

All things have been fulfilled to True Self of God Egziabher.  The Divine Judgement is the reality for all man, male and female.  All are Judged according to True Self in the Image of God Egziabher.  You shall know them by their fruits.  Unrepentant for their sins and veiled from True Self of the Glory of God Egziabher!    Egziabher Ymesgan!!!


Kidanawi ZeHakim